In lieu of sending out Christmas cards and distributing staff tokens of appreciation, this year we are donating the money saved to the St. Pius X Parish’s Syrian Refugee relief fund. We are partnering with St. Pius X Parish in assisting with the sponsorship of a Syrian Refugee family.

We wish to thank our staff for their kind support of this initiative. The cheque was presented to Brother Joe Frechette, SJ by staff representatives, Mr. Milan Parab and Ms. Kathy Coffin.

Our students in Holland Hall also held a fundraiser for the St. Pius X Parish Syrian Refugee relief fund. Organized by the Grade 5 students, Holland Hall students held a jeans day and a movie/popcorn fundraiser. The students raised over $1,000. The cheque was presented by the Grade 5 students and Mr. Murray to Brother Joe Frechette, SJ.