The Christmas season is a time to reflect with much gratitude on the year passed and the many gifts given by our kind and caring parents, friends, alumni and benefactors. Much grace has been bestowed on us through 2015 and I pray now for all who our lives will touch in the coming year.

St. Bon’s is a very special community, bound by our care for others and our desire to seek the magis, the greater, always in the context of what is for the greater glory of God.  Our engaged and supportive parents really work closely with a dedicated staff of highly professional educators committed to forming confident young men and women who are intellectually competent, open to growth, religious, loving and committed to doing justice in the generous service to the people of God.

It has always been a calling of Jesuit institutions to serve the disadvantaged and marginalized.  I am continually inspired by the lengths to which our community dedicate themselves to this endeavor.

Christmas time at St. Bon’s is always special as we prepare to celebrate the coming of our Lord and Saviour.  Our Advent Mass and the various Advent services remind us of the faith we share.   During this holiday season, I hope that you will take time to celebrate the accomplishments, traditions and commitments we share.  Thank you for your prayers and continued support.  May these holy days, and every day, be filled with peace and joy for you and your loved ones.

Tom McGrath
