It is 1895 and the cream of fashionable London society is nearing the end of another social season.  Eligible bachelors, Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff, have each invented an imaginary person whom they use as an excuse for getting in or out of London and engaging in some wild behaviour without attracting a whiff of scandal.  But now Jack is in love and feels it is time to settle down.  Algernon resists this road to maturity and engages in some self-advancing counter-activity.  Along the way, we encounter stories of foundlings and babies lost, of sentimental education and abandoned novels, of  baptism and Christening, of ladies who learn to call each other sister by calling each other a lot of other things first, and of the stabilizing power of “Mamma” in English high society.  Most of all, we learn the vital importance of being Earnest!

Dates: Friday, May 27th at 7:30PM and Saturday, May 28th at 7:30PM

Tickets: $10.00

Available at the Principal’s Office

The Importance of Being Earnest

A Trivial Comedy for Serious People

By Oscar Wilde


Emily Barker

Cameron Bennett

Kendall Hallett

Rayan Hallett

Hunter Harris

Sarah Kean

Claire MacLeod

Thomas Roberts

Cameron Shea

Staged by Laura Prior

Directed by David Hallett