St. Bonaventure’s College is committed to working towards justice and peace for all, especially during this season of giving. We are proud of the many initiatives led by our students and teachers that brought a little Christmas cheer to others, whether it be company or sustenance that they are in need of.

On Wednesday, December 12, 2018, students paid $5 for the chance to have a dress down day, with all proceeds going to The Gathering Place. This is an important establishment that provides much needed services and meals to those in need in our community. There were a few days over the Christmas Holidays for which The Gathering Place was not  able to prepare meals. This school-wide initiative raised $2000 resulting in 200 $10 Tim Horton’s gift cards, so that The Gathering Place was able to give them to those who needed them for the days they were closed. Our students and staff also continued serving the Monday and Wednesday breakfasts at The Gathering Place over their holidays, as they do every week.

Clubs and classes participated in numerous other giving campaigns. The Social Justice Club raised $525 through a bake sale for the Single Parents Association of NL. The Grade 5’s hosted a Social Justice Movie and Popcorn day, in which they raised $730 dollars to donate to Canadian Jesuits International, an organization which does global charity and social justice work. Our grade 3 classes collected art supplies to donate to the Janeway Children’s Hospital, to help bring a little happiness to the children who will be in the hospital over Christmas.

As we all know, time is one of the greatest gifts to give to those who may feel lonely at the holidays. Our grade 5 classes visited the Veteran’s Pavilion to sing with the residents, and to sit and make crafts together with them. Our grade 6’s also sang carols at the Pavilion. Among other joy-bringing field trips, carols were sung to the residents at St. Patrick’s Mercy Home by the grade 2’s and to the Presentation Convent by the grade 1’s.

Whether it be money, gifts, supplies or time, we are proud to see our students so involved in the spirit of giving this Holiday Season.