Grade 7 students celebrated Halloween this year by putting off a bake sale to raise money for nursing homes and orphanages in Indonesia. Students, parents and teachers baked delicious treats, and the Grade 7’s – led by Jasmine Bridger and Ms. Jaline Rowsell – worked in shifts to sell the baked goods and manage the money raised. Through this, they raised $787.00, which will be shared among two orphanages and a home for the elderly in Indonesia, which are in need of basic necessities.

Jasmine spent her summer in Indonesia, and gave a great deal of her time there to volunteering with these organizations. Thank you to all who supported the bake sale by purchasing, baking or donating. A special thank you to Jasmine, Mrs. Rowsell and the Grade 7’s for their efforts and time spent on such a worthy cause – they are true men and women for others.