Campus Ministries

At St Bonaventure’s College, Campus Ministry goes far beyond the traditional view of Chaplaincy within a Catholic School. The Campus Ministry program at St. Bon’s promotes students becoming complete individuals who, not only learn about their faith, but who also learn to turn their faith into action for the betterment of society.

Student’s at St. Bon’s develop their Christian faith and spirituality in three major ways throughout the school year. Firstly, all students study some form of the Catholic faith within their curriculum from the first day of Kindergarten until their graduation from High School. Secondly, students participate in various retreat programs that range from a half a day to four days in length. These retreats focus on some form of personal development, guided by the principles of the Gospels and the teachings of Ignatius of Loyola. Finally, students participate in the different liturgies that are offered during the school year. Whether it be one of the daily morning masses held in the Chapel before school, or larger liturgies held at the Basilica on special days during the year, all students are invited and encouraged to not just attend, but to assist in the rich liturgies offered for the school community.

While St. Bon’s students are being taught and grounded in the Catholic tradition, they are also called to assist in the community that they are a part of. Senior students all participate in the Christian Service Program, which places students in the community to complete volunteer work, such as tutoring at a community centre or helping at a local food bank. All students are asked to care for the environment by composting throughout the year and helping with the garden that is set up on campus, with all food being donated to a local food bank. There are many other activities and events that the students at St. Bon’s are involved into to help further the cause of Social Justice within our world and by looking at the various links on our website you will be able to keep up to date with what the students at St. Bon’s are doing to help make our world a better and more Christ-like place.

Jesuit Service Program 

St. Bonaventure’s College is committed to forming young men & women who are beginning to take responsibility for their own growth, seeking opportunities to stretch their minds, imaginations, feelings, and religious consciousness. Pedro Arrupe, former Superior General of the Society of Jesus, liked to speak of the graduate of a Jesuit high school as a “man or woman for others”— one who lives not only for themselves; one who has begun to move beyond self-interest and self-centeredness; one who can value the unique mystery of other people; one who is committed to making life better for everyone.

The Jesuit Service Program is intended to foster a student’s growth into this kind of person. The Program seeks to prepare the student to exercise Christian attitudes in today’s world. In a culture that has grown obsessed with the self and individualism, young people need opportunities to transcend themselves in achieving their identities, to commit themselves to causes and persons greater than their individual egos, to work for the common good.

The Program is not aimed at career exploration or job training. Rather, it is our hope that through direct personal contact with people in need, our students will come to realize their potential and talents as persons, and recognize their responsibility to serve others.


Giving students an opportunity to take time away from everyday life in personal prayer and reflection is a hallmark of the St. Bon’s Campus Ministry program. Students from Kindergarten to Gr. 12 all participate in a Retreat at some point in their school year. Beginning with half day retreats in the younger grades and building to over-night and multi-night retreats in High School, students are encouraged to look at where God is working in their every day life and how they can answer the call to be a man or woman for and with others. Our retreats are  inspired by the spirituality of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits that has developed since the 16th century.

Social Justice Committee

St. Bon’s has always been known for the concern and awareness that students have for those less fortunate in the world. This awareness takes action in the school’s Social Justice committee. The committee is comprised of students from Gr. 7-12 and focuses on doing charitable works and creating awareness of injustices around the world during the school year. Please check back during the year to see what the committee has been up to around the school and great community.


Community worship is at the heart of all Christian communities. With this in mind, St. Bon’s ensures that all students and faculty are given opportunities to join together in prayer during the school year. We have 8 Full School Masses each year, as well as a variety of other opportunities for classes and groups within the school to come together in smaller settings. During our Masses students of all ages are given a chance to participate in some way and our renowned Music program always offers a beautiful accompaniment to our worship.