The 2018 Walkathon was launched on Monday, September 10th with an assembly for students from K-12. The 2018 Walkathon will take place on Friday, September 28th. The walkathon is an annual fundraiser run by the Principal’s Office that raises funds to support a variety of curricular initiatives.

Last year the funds from the Walkathon bought extra reading resources for Grades K-6, paid for busing for many field trips, helped pay and subsidize activities for Spirit week and Literacy week.  This year we are scheduled to have our Walkathon on September 28th (weather permitting) and like last year, grades K-3 will walk to Bannerman Park and Grades 4-12 will walk to Quidi Vidi Lake.  Any parents who would like to join us are most welcome to join us and help. 

There are a number of prizes/incentives to encourage students to help us reach our goal of $15,000. To read the list of prizes please click here.

If you have any questions regarding the Walkathon, please contact the Principal’s Office at

Student Council hypes the crowd for the launch for the 2018 Walkathon