We are pleased to announce registration is now open for the SBC After 3 program for the 2020/2021 school year.

SBC After 3 will follow the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the school. You can review these guidelines HERE.

Students will be placed in a group with the same leader for the year. Where possible, their group will include members of their class and/or siblings.

This year, SBC After 3 will operate out of the Aula Maxima. Students will be outside whenever possible.

Please note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to accommodate an As Needed option this year. If you choose the 1, 2, 3 or 4 day options you will have to specify which day(s) of the week your child will be attending. This will allow us to determine groupings.

The registration package can be found HERE. Please email your completed registration form to Krystal Holwell at kholwell@stbons.ca

For further information regarding SBC After 3 click HERE.