With careful consideration, we have finalized our “annual school fee” amount by grade.

As previously communicated, this year we have consolidated the class fees you would normally pay throughout the school year for supplies, consumables, field trips, etc. into a combined fee. This is in an effort to both reduce the frequency of requests to parents for funds throughout the year, as well as to reduce the administrative time spent by teachers and other staff. In doing so, we met with the teachers in each grade/course to determine their plans for the year; as a result, the fee for each class may differ.

This combined fee is for items that are mandatory for each child in a particular grade/class. As such, the fee does NOT cover the costs associated with optional and/or extra-curricular activities including, but not limited to:

  • sports teams
  • band
  • Bon’s Hockey Skills Academy
  • SBC After 3
  • Easter Camp Plus
  • Summer Camp Plus
  • Holland Hall extra-curricular activities
  • enrolment in AP and/or AVLI courses, etc.

These fees have been prepared based on the teaching plans for the 2019-20 school year and current cost information. As such, fees in future years may change based on the most relevant information at that time.

The class fee, by grade, for the 2019-20 school year is as follows:

To download a printable version, please click here.

To download a printable version, please click here.

To provide flexibility to families we will be offering 3 payment options:

  1. Full payment due Tuesday, October 15th, 2019 (cash, cheque or pre-authorized credit only)
  2. Three (3) equal monthly payments starting October 17th, 2019 through December 17th, 2019 (pre-authorized debit or credit only)
  3. Six (6) equal monthly payments starting October 17th, 2019 through March 17th, 2020 (pre-authorized debit or credit only)

Payment Option Forms were sent home with your child(ren) on Monday, October 7th, and we ask you to return them no later than Tuesday, October 15th.